Available rocks

Lua modules available from this location for use with LuaRocks:

cosmo -

latest sources | License:

10.04.06-1: all

Diff - Diff functions

This module provides a small collection of functions for diffing text.
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT/X11

8.06.15-0: rockspec

LPeg - Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua

LPeg is a new pattern-matching library for Lua, based on Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs). The nice thing about PEGs is that it has a formal basis (instead of being an ad-hoc set of features), allows an efficient and simple implementation, and does most things we expect from a pattern-matching library (and more, as we can define entire grammars).
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT/X11

0.10-1: rockspec

Markdown - Markdown text-to-html markup system.

A pure-lua implementation of the Markdown text-to-html markup system.
latest sources | License: N/A

0.32-1: rockspec

MD5 - Basic cryptographic library

MD5 offers basic cryptographic facilities for Lua 5.1: a hash (digest) function, a pair crypt/decrypt based on MD5 and CFB, and a pair crypt/decrypt based on DES with 56-bit keys.
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT/X11

1.1.2-1: rockspec

ReCaptcha - A Lua interface to reCaptcha.

reCaptcha is a free captcha web service that shows the visitors words from old books helping digitize them. This, module provides a Lua interface to recaptcha. You will need to get your own API key from recaptcha.net to use it.
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT/X11

8.07.07-0: rockspec

SACI - Saci is a document-oriented hierarchical storage system

A document-to-object mapper for Lua.
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT/X11

10.12.28-0: rockspec

Sputnik - A wiki and a framework for wiki-like applications

Sputnik is a wiki written in Lua. It is also a platform for building a range of wiki-like applications, drawing on Lua's strengths as an extension language.

Out of the box Sputnik behaves like a wiki with all the standard wiki features: editable pages, protection against spam bots, history view of pages, diff, preview, per-page-RSS feed for site changes. (See http://sputnik.freewisdom.org/en/Features for more details.)

At the same time, Sputnik is designed to be used as a platform for a wide range of "social software" applications. A simple change of templates and perhaps a few spoons of Lua code can turn it into a photo album, a blog, a calendar, a mailing list viewer, or almost anything else. So, you can think of it as a web framework of sorts. In addition to allowing you to add custom bells and whistles to a wiki, Sputnik provides a good foundation for anything that's kind of like a wiki but not quite. Sputnik stores its data as versioned "pages" that can be editable through the web (just like any wiki). However, it allows those pages to store any data that can be saved as text (prose, comma-separated values, lists of named parameters, Lua tables, mbox-formatted messages, XML, etc.) While by default the page is displayed as if it carried Markdown-formatted text, the way the page is viewed (or edited, or saved, etc.) can be overriden on a per-page basis by over-riding or adding "actions".
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT/X11

10.12.28-0: rockspec

Sputnik-Markitup - A markitup plugin for Sputnik

latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT/X11

9.03.16-0: rockspec

Versium - A versioned storage API for Lua

Versium is a simple abstract API over several storage solutions, all of which provide access to a collection of versioned documents or "nodes". Nodes carry Lua byte-string data as their payload, but no assumptions are made about its content. The client interacts with versium through the "versium" module, which then delegates most of the work to a specific storage implementation (specified at the initialization time). Two storage implementations are included with this rock: "simple" which stores nodes and their histories on the file system and "virtual" which stores them in memory. Other implementations (e.g., using subversion or a database) are provided as separate rocks.
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT/X11

10.12.28-0: rockspec

XSSFilter - A filter to prevernt cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks

XSSFilter is a module for filtering out unsafe tags from (X)HTML. To avoid having second-guessing how different clients handle strange HTML input, the filter assumes that the input is subset of valid XML and returns nil if the input doesn't parse. If the input does parse, we then traverse the tree and check each element and its attributes against a configuration table, replacing anything that's not allowed with a message. There is a default configuration table that shoots for a balance between security and features, but the client can either supply their own or modify the default.
latest sources | project homepage | License: MIT/X11

10.12.28-0: rockspec

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