package = "WSAPI-FCGI" version = "1.1-2" source = { url = "" } description = { summary = "Lua Web Server API FastCGI Adapter", detailed = [[ WSAPI is an API that abstracts the web server from Lua web applications. This is the rock that contains the FCGI module lfcgi. ]], license = "MIT/X11", homepage = "" } dependencies = { "wsapi >= 1.1" } external_dependencies = { platforms = { unix = { FASTCGI = { header = "fcgi_stdio.h" } } } } source = { url = "cvs://", cvs_tag = "HEAD", } build = { platforms = { unix = { type = "module", modules = { lfcgi = { sources = "src/fastcgi/lfcgi.c", libraries = "fcgi", incdirs = "$(FASTCGI_INCDIR)", libdirs = "$(FASTCGI_LIBDIR)" } }, install = { bin = { "src/launcher/wsapi.fcgi" } } }, win32 = { type = "make", install_target = "install-fcgi", build_pass = true, build_target = "fcgi", build_variables = { LUA_INCLUDE = "$(LUA_INCDIR)", LUA_LIB = "$(LUA_LIBDIR)\\lua5.1.lib", LIB_OPTION = "$(LUA_LIBDIR)\\lua5.1.lib $(FASTCGI_DIR)\\libfcgi\\Release\\fcgi_stdio.obj $(FASTCGI_DIR)\\libfcgi\\Release\\os_win32.obj $(FASTCGI_DIR)\\libfcgi\\Release\\fcgiapp.obj", CFLAGS = "$(CFLAGS) /I$(FASTCGI_DIR)\\include", }, install_variables = { LUA_LIBDIR = "$(LIBDIR)", BIN_DIR = "$(BINDIR)" } } } }