-- Packs lua-iconv into a LuaRock -- rockspec based uppon the file provided by DarkGod package = "lua-iconv" version = "r5-2" source = { url = "http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3389/lua-iconv-r5.tar.gz", md5 = "c4ebb5e70844700144a82375448dfa17" } description = { summary = "Lua binding to the iconv", detailed = [[ Lua binding to the POSIX 'iconv' library, which converts a sequence of characters from one codeset into a sequence of corresponding characters in another codeset. ]], license = "MIT/X11", homepage = "http://luaforge.net/projects/lua-iconv/" } dependencies = { "lua >= 5.1", } external_dependencies = { ICONV = { header = "iconv.h" } } build = { type = "module", modules = { iconv = { sources = {"luaiconv.c"}, incdirs = {"$(ICONV_INCDIR)"}, libdirs = {"$(ICONV_LIBDIR)"} } }, platforms = { cygwin = { modules = { iconv = { libraries = {"iconv"} } } } } }