package = "Kepler-Xavante" version = "1.1-1" source = { url = "", } description = { summary = "The Lua Web Development Platform", detailed = [[ Kepler is a Lua web development platform that offers the same advantages of Lua. Kepler is simple, portable, light, embeddable and extensible. This installs the Xavante webserver. ]], license = "MIT/X11", homepage = "" } dependencies = { "kepler >= 1.1", "rings >= 1.2.1", "xavante >= 2.0", } build = { type = "make", build_pass = false, install_target = "install-xavante", install_variables = { PREFIX = "$(PREFIX)", LUA_DIR = "$(LUADIR)", BIN_DIR = "$(BINDIR)" }, platforms = { win32 = { build_pass = true, build_target = "xavante", build_variables = { CFLAGS = "$(CFLAGS)", LUA_INCDIR = "$(LUA_INCDIR)", LUA_LIB = "$(LUA_LIBDIR)\\lua5.1.lib" } } } }