package = "CGILua" version = "5.1.2-2" source = { url = "" } description = { summary = "Tool for creating dynamic Web pages and manipulating data from Web forms", detailed = [[ CGILua allows the separation of logic and data handling from the generation of pages, making it easy to develop web applications with Lua. CGILua can be used with a variety of Web servers and, for each server, with different launchers. A launcher is responsible for the interaction of CGILua and the Web server, for example using ISAPI on IIS or mod_lua on Apache. ]] } dependencies = { "lua >= 5.1", "luafilesystem >= 1.4.1", } build = { type = "make", build_pass = false, install_target = "install", install_variables = { LUA_DIR = "$(LUADIR)" } }